Fifty Shades of Raging Hormones..

Last night I completed Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James. I am having trouble condensing all of my thoughts about this novel down into a comprehensible structure, so I’ve decided to jump in hoping that it will make sense.  **Spoiler Alert**

The story is.. enthralling to say the least. Although I could have done without some of the pornographic imagery, the idea of the perfect man always having some baggage is not overexploited at all. It is because of how crazy and twisted Grey is,the perfect man without the crazy would be boring, but the dominance baggage without the perfect man would be scary and wrong. The dominance scene are both sexy and wrong, but the reasons Christian has behind it make the reader fall for him just as Ana does. And let me tell you, E L James depicts Christian Grey to be one drop dead sexy man, so it is not hard to look past all of the pain, just as Ana does.  It reveals a different perspective on a BDSM relationship that I had no idea existed, and it is fascinating.

However, I am reveling in the fact that couples are jouneying to the Heathman hotel in Portland, OR to reenact scenes from the book. I actually think it is a hotel special, a “Fifty Shades of Grey package” if you will (Source). Also analysts have predicted an upcoming baby boom caused by this book (Source). I for one pray to God that this book doesn’t lead impressionable teenaged girls into thinking that abusive relationships are okay. That is not the intent of this book, obviously, but I am afraid that it could be misguided that way. It is not okay for any partner of a relationship to hurt the other. In the case of this book that stands true, unless the partner has consented, and then it is to their digression. As far as I know, that is quite the slippery slope to tread down, as Ana finds, but in her case it was worth the try. I caution girls to  reenacting certain situations in this book, as I feel subjecting oneself to such a lifestyle is a permanent experience, one you can not take back, and it may not be what one might think. It may cause more harm than one would think, and it is important to keep in mind the true motives of Christian, Ana, and E L James while reading. Do not let it influence your lifestyle in ways that you will regret.

The happenings in this book should not be taken literally- because Mr. Grey is an awfully far-fetched character, isn’t he? I mean, if I were in Ana’s situation, who knows what I would sacrifice for love. Luckily, Ana realized she was not able to tolerate the beatings, but will other girls? Will guys see this as an opportunity to express dominance and control in a relationships? Without the genuine intentions of Christian Grey, and his willingness to work with Ana the scenario is sickening. The other subs that he claims to have had for his pleasure, sickening. The fact that Ana opened him up to the ‘light’ is the part in the story that makes me want to keep reading. The hope that they will eventually be able to be happy together- for their love – is what makes me turn the page.

That being said, I will undoubtedly read the rest of the series, and I suggest you do the same.

Oh let me just add how ecstatic I am that Blake Lively and Chris Pine are considerations for the main roles in the movie version.

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